Cover and Title Reveal - Announcing WICKED BLOOD!

You guysssss, it's hereeeeee!
I am honestly so excited to make this announcment. I've been hinting at it so much, and basically sitting there like an overexcited five-year-old waiting for sweets. I'm dying to talk about this novel, and I haven't been able to, and it is the most unique kind of torture to be the author and not be able to talk about your book because no one's read it yet and SPOILERS.
Lots and lots of spoilers.
I mean, I'm not rubbing my hands together and laughing evilly right now, but feel free to picture me that way if you want...
Anyway, today is the day that I finally get to share the first tidbit with you, the first (visible) step in a journey which began last July, and will culminate this coming July.
That's right, my new novel WICKED BLOOD will be published on 19 JULY 2022. Save the date!
Aaaaand here is the most beautiful, gorgeous, amazing cover I have EVER seen. I am honestly blown away by this cover design by Ebook Launch. They are super. They did Wicked Magic's cover, too, and I swear every cover they do is better than the last one.
Without further ado:

Isn't it stunning?

I actually first drafted Wicked Blood back in early 2020, but most of that got scrapped along the way. After multiple rewrites, I am incredibly proud to present to you the standalone sequel to Wicked Magic. That's right--if you haven't read book one, don't worry. Both books are standalones, as will be book three. Wicked Blood is Cynthia's story, following her journey to Berlin after graduating school, one and a half years after the events of Wicked Magic. She wants a bit of a holiday, a break from her overprotective mother, and maybe to start understanding who shifters are and what their place in the world is... but of course, she gets so much more than that. There's romance, danger, politics, and lots of bodies. Seriously, this book is chock full of bodies, not going to lie, I feel no guilt over this situation.
I can't wait for you to read it. Unfortunately, I have to, because I'm a mean girl and I set the launch date in July. Whatever will we do to tide ourselves over?
Well, I'm going to be writing the next book. You can go read the first one. It's available on Kindle Unlimited, and I promise you, it's worth it.
See you next month,
Margot x